Vanessa Barragão
100% Recycled Wool
Latch Hook & Crochet & Carving
The climate change and ocean pollution are destroying one of the most special environments we know - coral reefs, the heart of sea life. That was the starting point for Coral Garden. Vanessa develops her work following sustainable production methods, handmade techniques and sources her prime materials by recycling and up-cycling waste from the textile industry, all in an attempt to raise awareness and improve our planet's health.
气候变化和海洋污染正在破坏我们所了解的地球上最特殊的环境之一 - 珊瑚礁,海洋生物的心脏。这就是“珊瑚花园”的出发点。艺术家按照可持续的生产方式、手工技术来开发她的作品,并通过回收和提升纺织业的废物来获得她的主要材料,所有这些都是为了提高人们的环保意识,改善我们地球家园的生态环境。