Seat height : 25cm;
Tray size: 35 × 35cm
这把罕见且做工精美的躺椅是由芬兰最伟大的室内建筑师和设计师之一伊玛里·塔佩瓦拉设计的。他是以干净、简单的线条、极简主义和功能性为特征,而不牺牲美感的北欧设计流派中的一位重要人物。这把休闲椅是为Paolo Arnaboldi 设计的,其很好的彰显了北欧设计的风格。
This rare and exquisite lounge chair was designed by one of the Finnish greatest interior architects and designer —Ilmari Tapiovaara. He was an important figure in the Scandinavian design which was marked by clean, simple lines, minimalism and functionality without sacrificing beauty. This lounge chair was a commissioned work that created for Paolo Arnaboldi and inherited the style of Scandinavian design.
伊玛里·塔佩瓦拉是芬兰著名室内建筑师和设计师。1937 年毕业于赫尔辛基中央应用艺术学院家具设计系。完成学业后,他成为当时芬兰最大的家具制造商之一 Asko Oy 的艺术总监和设计师。他对设计的态度比所有第一代大师都更加实际,他对设计和创作的基本出发点是实用性而非自我表现。
塔佩瓦拉分别在四届米兰三年展上总共获得了六枚金奖。他还曾获得芝加哥优秀设计奖,Pro Finlandia 奖章,芬兰国家设计奖,芬兰 SIO 室内建筑师协会的家具奖。
IImari Tapiovaara was a renowned Finnish interior architect and designer who graduated from the Central Academy of Applied Arts in Helsinki in 1937 with a degree in furniture design. After completing his studies, he became the artistic director and designer of Asko Oy, one of the largest furniture manufacturers in Finland at the time. His approach to design was more practical than that of all the first generation of masters, and his basic starting point for design and creation was practicality rather than self- expression.
Tapiovaara established his own concept of design early on: that design should serve ordinary people, that products should be functional, economical and durable in order to enhance the quality of people's lives every day, and that high quality in design should be achieved through an organic combination of design methods and materials and construction.
Tapiovaara has won a total of six gold medals at four separate Milan Triennales. He has also been awarded the Chicago Design Excellence Award, the Pro Finlandia Medal, the Finnish National Design Award and the SIO Interior Architects Association of Finland's Furniture Award.